Full Dexterity Tactical (FDT) - Alpha 手套 (Original Model)
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台灣顧客可在PTS Steel Shop (台灣) / Ruten - PTS Steel Shop 購買,美國顧客可前往PTS (USA) 購買。
(* indicates industry firsts for a tactical glove):
- *Single Layer Multi-Piece Palm- Designed specifically so that only one layer of material contacts your shooting grip.
- *Sensitized and Isolated Trigger Finger- The thinnest available Clarinomaterial available, only on the trigger finger for ultimate sensitivity. *Selective Forschette Material- Inside forschettes are ventilated for maximum wicking. Outer forschettes are Clarino for durability.
- *Low Profile Hook Closure- Reduces abrasion on clothing.
- *Flex Joints- Enhanced flexibility and ventilation on each finger.
- *Dual Flex Joint Trigger Finger- Providing maximum flexibility where you need it most.
- Bar-Tacked Para Cord Pull Loo, useful for pulling the glove on or hanging it from a 'biner.
- Short Cuff- Lightweight comfort and convenience.
- Micro Suede Nose Wipe- Fights against cold-weather drip.
- Ventilation holes in Palms and Fingers- Increased wicking.
- Isolated Edge Padding- Protection without compromising the shooting grip.
- Wrap-Over Finger Tips- Provides additional protection for finger nails.
- Stretch Cordura 1000D Padded Knuckles- Stretch Cordura reduces pressure on the seams, thin padding takes the edge off of impacts.