Disc 45 Degree
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These PALS-mountable 1000D Cordura laminate discs allow the user to apply either a 45- or 90-degree cant to magazines or other similar gear. These angles may offer better accessibility, improved ergonomics or more natural reloads. Each user should consider their personal preferences before choosing a particular Gear Disc. Each model comes with HSGI clips for easy and secure mounting to any PALS platform.
- Gear Disc MOLLE 90 horizontally mount one rifle pouch or two pistol pouches
- Gear Disc MOLLE 45R applies a 45-degree forward tilt on the right side of your kit
- Gear Disc MOLLE 45L applies a 45-degree forward tilt on the left side of your kit
Exterior Dims (L x W x H) Weight 4.5x .25x 4.51.6 oz 11.43cm x .635cm x 11.43cm 45.36g

Disc 45 Degree