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MultiTasker Tools-Series 3X AR 一把工具就解決你大部分維修
最近多左時間係屋企無野做,定時定候拎把槍出嚟維修下,MultiTasker Series 3X AR 多功能摺合鉗,一把工具就解決你大部分維修需要! 佢擁有七款不同的維修工具好似鉗、刀、碳刷、手板頭等等,仲有八款螺絲頭比大家! SHOP NOW!
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The Innovative Repair Tool Multitasker
Multitasker Tools grew out of an OEM project for a firearms industry contact. The owner and founder had a request from a customer to make a 1911 focused multi-tool, then he thought it was time t...
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