S and S Wetworx Cold / Wetworx Warm
S & S Precision started the WetWorX Maritime Assault Gloves, the very first thing we wanted
to ensure was the user wouldn’t feel a great disparity between their warm water and
cold water gloves. Our materials were carefully chosen to provide significant
commonality between the warm & cold gloves while maintaining the climate centered
traits necessary to operate in a wide variety of environments. Paying close attention to
the human factors and ergonomics associated with maritime operations, we have
produced gloves with outstanding wet grip, tactility, and range of motion. Built into the
WetWorX gloves is the durability needed for hot climate operations and the heat
retaining traits needed for cold water operations.
S&S 首次推出兩款手套!一款適合潛水保暖使用,一款適合平常使用!你們又喜歡那一款呢?