




Breakthrough Clean

Breakthrough® Clean 正在開創一個新的科技時代,清潔槍枝現在比以往更快、更安全。 我們的清潔產品比大多數領先的槍支清潔劑能夠消除更多的污染物,從而提供最佳的槍支性能、安全性和可用性。 我們的潤滑劑提供終極保護,輕鬆承受極端溫度並最大限度地減少所需應用的頻率。 Breakthrough® Clean 的產品無毒、無危險、無污染、無味且環保,因此對您、您的槍支和您的環境都是安全的。


25 件產品


Breakthrough Clean Battle Born HP Pro Oil Lubricant & Protectant, Oil Lubricant & Protectant, PTS Steel ShopBreakthrough Clean Battle Born HP Pro Oil Lubricant & Protectant, Oil Lubricant & Protectant, PTS Steel Shop
BreakThrough clean, Solvent, Non-staining, Odorless, No noxious fumes, Non-irritating to the skin, Low-Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, Benzene Free, Non-Corrosive, pts steel shopBreakThrough clean, Solvent, Non-staining, Odorless, No noxious fumes, Non-irritating to the skin, Low-Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, Benzene Free, Non-Corrosive, pts steel shop
Breakthrough Clean Sprayer (3 mL) Battle Born High Purity OilBreakthrough Clean 2 OZ (59mL) Battle Born High Purity Oil
Anti-Fog Gel Kit (For Lens)Anti-Fog Gel Kit (For Lens)
breakthrough battle born grease 12ccbreakthrough battle born grease 4oz
Breakthrough Clean
潤滑脂 促銷價HK$115.00 起
已售完Breakthrough Clean Silicone Cleaning Cloth, Cleaning Cloth,PTS Steel Shop
已售完Breakthrough Clean BT-101 Basic Cleaning Kit, Cleaning Kit, BT-101,PTS Steel Shop
已售完Breakthrough Clean Armorer's Bench Block, Armorer, PTS Steel ShopBreakthrough Clean Armorer's Bench Block, Armorer, PTS Steel Shop
Breakthrough Clean Battle Born HP100 Knife Oil with SMT, Knife Oil, SMT, PTS Steel Shop
Breakthrough Clean Bore Mops, Mops, PTS Steel ShopBreakthrough Clean Bore Mops, Mops, PTS Steel Shop
Breakthrough Clean
Bore Mops 促銷價HK$25.00
已售完Breakthrough Clean Cleaning Mat, Cleaning Mat, Mat,PTS Steel ShopBreakthrough Clean Cleaning Mat, Cleaning Mat, Mat,PTS Steel Shop
Breakthrough Clean
Cleaning Mat 促銷價HK$115.00 起
Battle Born Bio-Synthetic All-In-One (CLP) Cleaner, Lubricant, & ProtectantBattle Born Bio-Synthetic All-In-One (CLP) Cleaner, Lubricant, & Protectant
Breakthrough Clean LOC-30 Rod Cleaning Kit, LOC-30, Cleaning Kit, PTS Steel ShopBreakthrough Clean LOC-30 Rod Cleaning Kit, LOC-30, Cleaning Kit, PTS Steel Shop
Breakthrough Clean Nylon Pouch w/MOLLE - SS Rod Cleaning Kit (.223cal/5.56mm), Molle, Nylon Pouch, Cleaning Kit, SS Rod, PTS Steel Shop
Modern Sporting Rifle Armorer's Wrench, AR-15, BlackModern Sporting Rifle Armorer's Wrench, AR-15, Black
Breakthrough Clean Vision Series Hard-Case Pistol Cleaning Kit .357/.38 Cal/ 9mm, Cleaning Kit,PTS Steel Shop
Breakthrough Clean Vision Series Shotgun Cleaning Kit- 12 Gauge, Cleaning Kit,PTS Steel ShopBreakthrough Clean Vision Series Shotgun Cleaning Kit- 12 Gauge, Cleaning Kit,PTS Steel Shop
已售完Breakthrough Clean Green Microfiber Towel (2 pack), Microfiber Towel, Towel, PTS Steel Shop
已售完Breakthrough Clean, Breakthrough, Patch, Lube it up, PTS Steel Shop
已售完Breakthrough Clean Double End Nylon Brush, Nylon Brush, Brush, PTS Steel Shop
已售完Breakthrough Clean, Breakthrough, Patch, It's Science Bitch, PTS Steel Shop
Breakthrough Clean, Breakthrough, Patch, Shield B PVC, PTS Steel Shop
已售完Breakthrough Clean QWIC-P Pull Through Cleaning Kit, QWIC-P, Cleaning Kit,PTS Steel ShopBreakthrough Clean QWIC-P Pull Through Cleaning Kit, QWIC-P, Cleaning Kit,PTS Steel Shop
Vision Series AR-15 Rifle Cleaning Kit
Breakthrough Clean, Battle Ropes, clean tools, .30 cal, .308 cal, 7.62mm, RifleBreakthrough Clean, Battle Ropes, clean tools, .22 cal, .223 cal, 5.56mm, Rifle, Pistol